Welcome to the Digi-Frame Developer Corner

Since Digi-Frame first appeared on store shelves, we have had many inquiries and stories from people with special applications for our products.

To encourage further third-party applications, we are now assembling a formal developer program. This program includes priority access to Digi-Frame engineers, specifications and interoperability notes, advance information on new software and hardware releases and other material of relevance to developers.

If you want to be informed when the developer program is ready for release, or if you wish to participate in a limited early-access program, please email techsupport@digi-frame.com. Please include the following in your email:

whether you are a hobbyist or a commercial developer
your company's primary line of business, and
your intended application for Digi-Frame

Your input will help us to provide the right set of data you need to develop compelling applications using Digi-Frame.

© 1999-2003 Digi-Frame, Inc. All rights reserved.